Saturday, February 19, 2011

Taking wires out

Oops. The epoxy leaked through here, but fortunately there were not too many of these.

The stitches are out, except for those in the bow, the transom, and the bulkheads.
February 9, 2011
I pulled the staples out of the planks and was pleased that most of them came out easily.  A few were embedded in epoxy and were difficult to get out.  I was also happy that except for a couple places, the epoxy did not leak through the joint.  The "stitches" were tight enough to keep the epoxy on the outside of the hull but in some places I'm going to need to add more epoxy because it was no longer even with the top edge of the plank. It soaked into the joint the way it was supposed to.  And of course I'm going to have to go back over every joint to add epoxy where all the wires were holding it together.

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