Saturday, February 19, 2011

Filling plank joints with epoxy

February 18, 2011
My order for another bucket of Cell-o-Fill arrived yesterday.  I'm impressed with how fast CLC can get an order to me--I ordered it Monday night and it arrived Thursday morning.   Since the forecast was for temperatures near 50 degrees, figured it would be easy to warm up the cellar and do some more epoxy.  MaryAnn helped me flip the dory again and I pulled out or broke off the remaining wires.  Then I mixed up epoxy using the Cell-o-Fill for thickener, and used a plastic bag with a corner snipped off to make the "pastry bag".   I was able to squeeze out nice lines of epoxy to fill up the joints between the planks.  I also make some really thick epoxy to fill the gaps created by the broken puzzle joints.  I always start out with the intention of cleaning up any stray bits of epoxy, but I always seem to miss some.  Those mistakes mean more sanding.

Filling joints with epoxy

Repairing broken puzzle joints

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