Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fillets again

Repairing crack in rail with epoxy.

Rounding off the front.

Thwarts are sanded and templates are in place to trace the pattern.

Making the fillet larger on the transom.
February 25, 2011
When I took the clamps off I discovered that the rail I put on yesterday had cracked about five feet from the stern.  I added some thickened epoxy and put some clamps on it.  Hopefully, that will work because I don't know what else to do with it. Since I was mixing epoxy I decided to add to the fillets on either side of the transom next to the doubler.  I also added to the fillets on several of the bulkheads.  I'm still concerned that I still have two tubs of wood flour--maybe I didn't make the fillets thick enough.  Since I couldn't flip the dory over and work on fiberglassing the hull, I decided to round off the nose of the boat and filled in gaps with more epoxy.  I wasn't sure how to make the curve for the nose and then decided to just use the curve of the breast hook. I traced the curve onto a piece of paper and then cut it out.  Using the paper as a template, I drew it on the the rails where they came to together in the front, and then used the saber saw to cut it out.  I used my new belt sander to round things off.
I also sanded down the boards that I had glued together for the thwarts,  and then traced the pattern for the thwarts onto the boards.  Now I need to cut them out and I would like to use Dad's band saw.  Somehow I need to make enough space to do this, and then need to make sure the saw works because no one has used it in years.

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