Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Adding second rail to starboard side

February 23, 2011
I took off the clamps and got the second layer of the rail ready for the starboard side.  I picked up a few more clamps to be sure that we had plenty for this rail because some of the small clamps would not fit the new width of the rail.  I also realized that the space is getting tighter and tighter. Each layer of rail adds another inch and there isn't much room to walk around the dory.

The second rail is in place on the starboard side; one more rail to go.

Added the second rail to the starboard side.
I also glued the medium size thwart together.  When I took the clamps off the one I did yesterday, I realized the the clamps were so heavy that they pulled up on the thwart and now it has a slight curve.  Hopefully I can sand it flat.  This time I put blocks on the thwart to keep weight on it to make sure it was flat on the table.
To make sure the thwart is flat I added some weight.

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