Saturday, June 4, 2011

Second coat of paint

June 4, 2011
Life, work, and weather have interfered with boat building, but today all was right with the world and I was able to put a second coat of dark blue paint on the hull.  Yesterday was too windy to paint, but I wet sanded the dory with 400 grit paper to get it ready.  Before I could sand I used a couple of Swifer clothes to get all the pollen off the boat--it was so thick, it looked yellow. I discovered that a McDonald's plastic southwest salad bowl makes a nice paint tray for the small three inch roller that I'm using for painting.  Temperatures were cool this morning and I had to wait until around 10am for the day to warm up above 60. At least it's not windy and hopefully the paint will dry before anything falls on it.

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