Saturday, May 21, 2011

Shaping mast; more coats of epoxy on thwarts

May 21, 2011
I worked on shaping the mast; it tapers to a very small area at the top.  I attempted to use the band saw but found it very difficult and finally either broke the blade or it came off the wheel.  Decided to use the circular saw but had to cut from both sides and it came out pretty rough--I hope I didn't take too much off.  I traced the shape for the fore and aft side of the mast on the straight side.  I was able to shape a lot of it with a power planer and the belt sander.  Feeling rich is having a choice of tools available to do the job.   I still need to sand it and round off all the edges, but the basic shape is done.

I put a coat of epoxy on the thwarts and rudder pieces this morning and another coat on this evening.  It's the first time I feel like I timed it right and didn't need to sand the pieces before putting on another layer.

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