Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Assembling Mast and Boom

May 18, 2011
I sanded the thwarts, and carefully sanded over the sea turtle with 220 grit paper.  Even with care, I think I sanded the edges of the marquetry a little too much. Then I put another coat of epoxy on them.

Since I was already mixing epoxy, I decided assemble the mast and boom pieces.  The kit came with blanks already glued up and scarf joints cut.  I just had to mix up some epoxy thickened with the Cell-O-Fill to a mustard or jam consistency, put it on the scarfs and clamp them together.  Since the dory is not out of the workshop, I had plenty of space in which to work.

Mast and boom blanks are glued together with thickened epoxy.

Close up of the scarf joint glued and clamped together.

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