Friday, July 8, 2011

Sliding Seat Launch

July 7, 2011
I took off the clamps the repaired rail, and unfortunately the seam is very visible but at least it seems to be holding well. Finally we were ready for the launch of the dory with the sliding seat in place.  Pete and Donna were up and joined us. This time we strapped the dory and ratcheted tight instead of using the bouncy bungee cords.  When we got to Hoyt's Landing in Springfield, we were disappointed to discover that the strap on the bow had slipped off and the boat banged against the post scraping off some of the paint.  Donna reminded me that there is never a last coat when it comes to finishing a boat. Anyway the damage was not bad enough to stop the launch.  This time I backed up the trailer by myself and managed to get it to the water without a lot of do-overs.

Christening the dory for the sliding seat launch.

Matt went out with me as I tried out the sliding seat.  What a difference between rowing with the sliding seat and just regular oars.  I was having a good time with it even though I need to a lot more practice to get all the motions coordinated. It's trickier than it looks, but it's going to be fun to learn.

Learning to row with the sliding seat is trickier than it looks.
Matt shows how it's done.

Pete Wayne and Matt out with the sliding seat.

After Pete and Donna had a turn, we took out the sliding seat, put in the thwart, and brought out the regular oars.  MaryAnn, Becky and the girls arrived and our little flotilla started down the Connecticut River. Matt and I and Molly and Annie were in the dory. MaryAnn and Becky used the kayaks, and Pete and Donna had their canoe.  Matt and I had an awful time trying to coordinate our rowing and kept zigzagging across the river instead of going straight downstream.  Things improved somewhat when Matt asked Molly to sit in the stern seat.  Both she and Annie had been sitting together on the middle thwart.   That seemed to help and of course we had more practice.

At about the four mile mark, we took a break on a sandy beach.  The kids had fun climbing the sand bank but were not thrilled to get back in the boats.  Fortunately we had only a couple miles to go and we pulled out at Herricks Cove.  We had left a car there in order to go back up to Springfield and retrieve the car and trailer.  It was a great afternoon and I was happy to have so much company to the dory's first big trip.

Molly, Becky, Annie, and Matt in dory on the Connecticut River.

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