Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lost in the fog

July 31, 2011
I got up early this morning and took the dory out on the Connnecticut River at Herrick's Cove. I'm getting better at backing up the trailer, and this time I put the oars in the oarlocks before I put the dory in the water.  This was a much better way to do it because everything was ready to go once I had the dory in the water.  The morning was cool, the water was still and the fog danced on the water.  I rowed steadily for half an hour upriver, and then took a break, had some water and got out my ipod.  I drifted along while I got the cords untangled and put the ipod in the pocket of my life vest.  Finally ready to row again, I realized that the fog was thicker and I really had no idea which way was back to the landing.  Having no choice I picked a direction and decided I would row for 15 minutes and see if I could see a landmark.  When a concrete structure came into view I realized that I was still going upstream and needed to turn around.  I guess I should put the kayak compass in the dory or bring along a GPS.  It's a good thing I was by myself--it's kind of embarrassing to get lost on such a short outing in a place where there are only two choices, and if I had done nothing I would have eventually just drifted back to my starting place.

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