Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rowing with sliding seat

 August 3, 2011
The morning was cool but there no fog when I took the dory out.  Although I'm still having trouble backing up the trailer, I was pleased that I managed to get it close enough to the dock that I put the dory in the water without getting my feet wet.  I've rubbed the top of my foot raw near my big toe from the strap that goes over my foot to hold it to the footrest on the sliding seat, and the water would just make it worse.  Today I focused on getting a good rhythm going.  I discovered that if I mentally went through the steps, I could keep a steady pace:  Exhale on the stroke, then lift the blade and flip my wrists toward my body, inhale and push my arms forward to bring the oars back and flip wrists back to where they were to "lock" the blade in position.  Repeat. Because of the D-shaped oars, then make a satisfying thunk as I twist them back and forth, I could hear the rhythm as well as chanting to myself.   Flip. Lock. Stroke.  Of course at the same time, I need to slide the seat back and forth in order to get full power in each stroke.  Sometimes I just focused on breathing--inhaling as a brought the oars back and exhaling on the stroke.  I don't know if this is "correct" for sculling but it help me to stay focused. When everything was coordinated, it felt great moving smoothly across the water.  When I flubbed up, I felt ridiculous, but at least there are only a few people on the river early in the morning.

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