Friday, July 8, 2011

Fourth of July Dory Launch

June 30, 2011
I seemed to be jinxed when it comes to working on the middle thwart.  When I tried to put it into the dory, the long foam block was too close to the port side and wouldn't go into place.  I had to cut a little off the block, put some more epoxy on it and then paint it black again. 

July 3, 2011
Finally I was able to get the #2 thwart in place and screwed it down.  To get ready for the launch tomorrow, I also screwed down the #1 thwart, and put the three sets of oar lock sockets on the rails.    I ran out of time to get the leather oar collars on the set of oars that didn't have them.

July 4, 2011
We watched Becky, Annie and Molly run in the Firecracker 5K race in Saxtons River and then stayed for the parade.  After lunch Matt helped me hook up the trailer to the Escape.  Finally we were ready to move the dory. Matt, Becky, Billy and I carried it around the house and put it on the trailer while MaryAnn filmed the big event.  We put bungee cords on it to hold it to the trailer, but later discovered this was not a good thing.  Matt was in his car behind me as we went down to the river. He said it was scary to watch:  the boat bounced separately from the trailer on the rough dirt roads.  Fortunately we did no damage and launched the boat with great ceremony at the Herricks Cove boat launch.   We popped a bottle of sparkling cider and MaryAnn poured some over the bow--no one was breaking any bottles over this boat!

The dory is on the way to the river.

Matt backs the dory into the water.

Getting closer.

Christening the dory.

We had the two sets of oars and Matt and I took it out to try it out together, and then everyone took turns riding in the dory. What a great feeling to be rowing my own boat after spending the last six months building it.  I was very pleased when some of the others at the boat launch came over to check it out. 

Getting ready to row.
Finally synchronized.
More riders
Safely back out of the water.

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