Monday, September 5, 2011

Irene Ends Connecticut River Boating for Awhile

The Hoyt's landing parking lot was under water.  The power pole in the center of the picture has a porta-potty chained to it, but you can only see the top of it.  In the distance, the dock has jack-knifedup out of the water, but at least it's still there.
August 29, 2011
The day after Hurricane Irene went through, MaryAnn and I drove around to see what was damaged.   Our house was fine, and we didn't even lose power, but many in town have lost everything.  I wanted to check on the boat landing at Herrick's Cove but the road was closed.  We couldn't get across the Williams River because three of the bridges were closed and the covered bridge in Bartonsville was washed away completely.  We decided to go north to Springfield and cross the Connecticut River into NH in order to get to the village in Bellows Falls.  At the bridge, we could see the  Hoyt's landing boat launch area--the whole parking lot was under water.  The Connecticut was also running as fast as I have ever seen it, and there was lot of debris in the water.  Tree trunks, propane tanks, and anything else that could float was going down the river at considerable speed.  I won't be launching the dory in the Connecticut for awhile.

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