Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sea Turtle Insignia

June 3, 2012 After a long (really long) delay, I'm finally getting motivated to sail the dory.  While construction is mostly complete, assembly is not.  Last night I got the sails out of their bag, and spread them out on the living room floor.  I had always planned to put a sea turtle on the main sail to match the inlay on the stern seat of the dory.  I made a template to mimic the inlay and laid it out on the sail.
Using the template, I started cutting out the shapes from a yard of insignia cloth that I bought months ago online.  After cutting them out I just pealed off the backing, pressed it on the sail and smoothed out any wrinkles.  It seemed work just fine; I hope it holds up under use. 
Finished sea turtle on the main sail.

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